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The Importance of Wellness 40+

aging gracefully holistic health selfcare wellness Nov 20, 2022

As they say, age is just a number.  But it’s true to also say that as this number changes each year, so does our body. For women, turning 40 is often seen as a milestone and a time of transition with physical changes that affects their health and includes our skin, bones, eyesight, hearing, and fitness. But it’s also a good time to keep an eye out for our health by avoiding bad habits and adding new healthy habits to stay fit and happy.  The connection between our body and mind are so interconnected that this relationship can exert a positive or negative influence on our health and quality of life.

According to The World Health Organization definition of health: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of infirmity.”  It’s never too late to choose a healthy path to try to reduce and avoid the risk of health problems in the future. Why not start to apply some small steps that can lead to big changes to improve your wellness now including:

Eat healthy. Include a balance of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and water in your diet. A well-balanced diet provides all of the energy you need to keep you active,  nutrients you need for growth and repair, helps you to stay strong and healthy, and assists in the prevention of diet-related illnesses.

Make place for physical exercise. Get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day. This contributes towards increased mobility, boosted metabolism, slows down ageing and you produce more collagen – an essential skin structural protein, and improved mental health, to name a few. Exercise can include walking, running, lifting weights, swimming, cycling and yoga.  Remember it’s the consistency of the exercise that counts, not the nature of the exercise. So, go for a routine that you enjoy as this will encourage you to stick with it.

Get enough sleep: Try to achieve at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Any less can have a negative impact on your productivity as well as your long term health. If you need to establish a more regular sleep routine, it is recommended to schedule a consistent bed time and stick to you. Avoid electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, alcohol, and caffeine too as it reduces the quality of your sleep.

Try to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Many factors can affect your weight, including your genes, age, gender, lifestyle, family habits, culture, sleep, and even where you live and work. Some of these factors can make it hard to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight, striving to keep your weight in the normal range is an important part of healthy aging. Simply put, to lose weight, exercise more or eat fewer calories than is recommended. To gain weight, increase the number of calories you eat while maintaining a moderate activity level.

During your 40s a woman’s body undergoes some major transitions; so, it is important to keep an eye out for your health by avoiding bad habits and adding new healthy habits to stay fit and happy. Here are some positive affirmations you can practice out loud  to help you trust in your body’s innate ability to heal and stay healthy:


“My body is a sacred gift”

“My body is here to support me on my journey”

“I choose positive and health thoughts about my body”

“Every step I take makes me stronger and more resilient”

“I listen to and honour my body“


Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act so make each thought, emotion, and deed count towards your positive wellness.

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