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The Power of Manifestation

empowerment & growth manifestation mindfulness & meditation spiritual wellness Nov 20, 2022

If you believe it, it WILL happen! That’s the power of manifestation. The process of strategically directing your thoughts towards a desirable outcome and seeing it manifest in the real world when you achieve your goals. Worldwide people have always sought ways to improve their life, whether it's relationships, social and financial status, or business – things tantamount to making them happy.

So what is manifestation? The practice of manifesting is believed to have emanated from ancient Indian traditions, dating back to at least the second Century BC. The science behind it is based on the universal law of attraction, which can be easily misunderstood as it works contrary to the way we are taught, but it is one of the 12 universal laws that brings to us the things that we focus our attention and energy on. Simply put, manifestation can be defined as “like attracts like”, “where focus goes, energy flows” and governed by our thoughts, energy, and vibration.  By reprogramming your subconscious mind, which holds the key to successfully manifesting your dreams, you can tap into the universe within you and turn your thoughts, desires, and dreams into reality.

And how can it help you?  Manifestation is a powerful tool that can be applied across many critical aspects of our lives including health, finances, diet, relationships, business, – in fact anything, as long as it does not harm you or another. It starts with setting goals that will help you take control of your future, vibrational alignment with them and then manifesting them into existence by inspired action.

The art of manifesting goals can be achieved daily by using simple steps including:

Clarity: Spend time focussing to give yourself a clear picture of what you really want to achieve and the intention behind your goals. Being focussed will help you to  increase self-awareness and trigger positive emotions and activate the universal laws. Talking to friends can also stimulate direction.

Reflection: Assess what matters to you. Ask yourself reflective questions like: Will this contribute towards my fulfilment and happiness? Does it feel right for me? Is there something or someone influencing me?  Will it cause any harm to myself or others?  The answers to these questions will help you determine the right things to manifest, and that you are more likely to believe in, things that you have positive expectations about.

Creative Visualisation: This is one of the key aspects of empowerment because its allows your thoughts, ideas, goals, and aspirations to present as mental, inner images in your mind’s eye.  You can use a vision board or write a manifestation journal to log and track your life story the way you want to achieve your goals including positive affirmations. It not only supports you by changing your behaviour as you begin to see yourself the way you desire to be, but the more you do this, the more your subconscious starts to believe.

Declutter: Remove any blockages or barriers in your life in order to make space for positive abundance. This may be the most difficult process as it means you must overcome any major roadblocks or barriers preventing your success, such as your body, health, emotions, beliefs, bad habits, self-image, the environment, relationships. The good thing is that you don’t have to be 100% perfect to be successful with this aspect of manifesting. But it is really important to quickly identify the blocks that hinder you the most from your success and to start to address them.

Meditation + Mindfulness: Life’s distractions is the greatest enemy to our time and the worst for our success. But, if you learn to take control of these distractions you are on the path to successfully designing your dream life and concentrate on your goals. Meditation requires not gadgets or goals, just personal space, and time. Meditation on positive thinking, energy and affirmations has multi benefits including stress relief, stimulating creativity, influencing our state of mind, and improving the health benefits of your mind and body for overall well-being. 

Action: Taking inspired action is the most important step in manifestation.  Without action, you cannot succeed. By taking action you are in effect beginning to tell your subconscious a ‘new story’ where belief and acceptance are now a reality and then it does everything to guide you there, but only you can make the manifestation happen. Only you can achieve your goals.

Manifestation will always give you a clear focus on what you believe to be important in your life today, tomorrow and into the future.

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